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Gait Analysis

Podosmart is a digital gait analysis tool. Get instant analysis details, instant feedback on improvements to your running or walking pattern.

Used together with visual analysis, your therapist can see exactly the difficulties which need working on.

Contact us for more information. Or book directly via the client portal.

Front page of a diary with entry spaces doe Name and Date, an Image of a profile of a head with coloured cog wheels inside

Fatigue Management Program

Tools needed to complete the program are available here:

Fatigue Severity Scale

Fatigue Diary

Values chart

Functional Electrical Stimulation

What is Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)?

The application of electrical current which matches that used by the body's nervous system, and so directly stimulates nerves and their muscles.

What can FES do for me?

FES can be used to treat reduced activity caused by a brain or spinal cord injury. It is commonly used for "foot drop", a condition where it is difficult to swing the leg through without catching the toes when walking. It can also be used to promote recovery post injury, support functional arm or leg use or maintain range where there are changes to muscle tone.

Where can I find more information?

Salisbury FES (Odstock medical) have a useful website with further information about what FES has been proven effective for, as well as ways to seek funding if required. Click here to link to Salisbury FES. Or, as always, discuss this option with your physio, GP, specialist nurse or consultant.

Your therapist with Sharp Neurological Physiotherapy will be able to discuss possible uses of FES with you in depth or complete a thorough assessment for the usefulness of this treatment adjunct for your specific problems. After assessment, provision and fitting of the appropriate device can be made privately, or through NHS referral.

A lower leg and foot with electrodes attached, the toes are lifted

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is a therapeutic technique used to enhance functional recovery after a neurological injury. It tackles specifically, the difficult problem of "learned non use" which can occur early on after your injury/event or later on even as physical recovery returns. This means that you will tend to use the unaffected limb in favour of the affected side, even if some physical or functional recovery has occurred.

In essence, this treatment involves structured part task practice exercises of the affected limb whilst restraining the "overuse" of the unaffected limb. This is a short term intensive treatment which has shown very effective results, especially in the recovery of arm and hand use.

A box with a mirror on one side, reflecting an opened hand

Mirror Therapy

Mirror therapy is based on the concepts of neuroplasticity and functional retraining. It has been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of phantom limb pain, complex regional pain syndromes and rehabilitation post stroke.

The reflection of the unimpaired limb, is visually similar to a working impaired limb and can produce the illusion of symmetrical bimanual tasks. In this way, the therapy works along the same lines as mental practice, visualisation and repetitive task practice. 

Your therapist will assess the usefulness of this therapy on an individual basis, and prescribe an intensive personalised program using the mirror box. This is a useful adjunct to therapy because you will be able to increase your amount of practice without a therapist present.

Saebo stretch


What are orthotics?

Orthotics are physical devices, like splints, or dynamic lycra garments which support activity or hold a joint in a certain position. They encourage or prevent movement where it is needed. A range of orthotic devices geared towards recovery of functional use of the arm are available from various companies.

Who can it help?

Orthotics are suitable for injuries to the brain or spinal cord which have left some limited function in the arm.   A trained therapist through Sharp Neurological Physiotherapy can assess for suitability of this therapeutic adjunct or program.

For more information please use the contact page.

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